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Thursday, July 12, 2012

4th of July family reunion (part 1)

My parents put together our very first family reunion with my siblings since we're all growed up and stuff. We held it over the 4th in Blanding, Ut where my brother lives and my parents use to live. Blandings 4th of July is always big and grande and screams proud Americans. This was mine and my kids 2nd time celebrating Independence Day here. Like always it was fun and EXHAUSTING.

The day starts with the parade at 10:30 and then right after, everyone (and I mean everyone) heads over to the big park for festivities and food. There are food and artsy booths galore. Me, my brother Rick and my Dad decided to even get spray on tattoos that last 3-5 days. (they called mine the "tramp stamp" because of its location......the lower back, not my boob or booty people sheesh.)

Then FINALLY, 10:00pm is the fireworks. I've never seen a better show of fireworks than here in Blanding. If you don't believe me go see for yourself next year. I promise you won't be disappointed and maybe you'll see me. :)

As usual it seems, work held Mr. S captive and he couldn't escape away with us this year. Maybe the next. (and I'm telling ya that's probably wishful thinking.)

Apparently I was stalked by the paparazzi named MY BROTHER. He's got a pretty sweet camera and I'm glad I wasn't the only one having to take the pictures. I was even IN some of them. :)

Waiting for the parade to start.

He loves flowers. I couldn't get him to stop picking them or throw rocks. I'm surprised I don't have more grey hairs. (Oh yes, I have a strand or two.)

I love ya lil' brother, but she's to good for you. :) My brothers girlfriend Kelsey is super sweet. And I'm talking it's oozing. I really like her. So glad she came.

Cousin kristine did some face painting on some of the kids. Gem really liked it.

I have no firework pictures and I'm a little sad about it. This picture pretty much sums up the rest of the day at the park. Loud and wild. Gemma and Vance were having a hard time getting along towards the end and they finally crashed hard. Gem missed the fireworks and Bubbs woke up to them. He thought they were all pretty cool as he sat on Grandpa's lap.

We got back to the house as midnight was slowly creeping on us. Both kids were awake now and weren't too excited to go to bed. I bribed them with a few pieces of parade candy and a movie in bed. They were out again not even 15 minutes into the movie "Finding Nemo".


Nettie said...

I love small town (especially Utah small towns) on the fourth! So glad you were all together. Pictures are darling.

Robyn Phillips said...

You look like a celebrity in these pics!