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Monday, October 25, 2010

stake fun fair

And boy was it FUN! (for mommy, a little exhausting. Okay okay, a lot exhausting.) Nun the less my girl loved it and that's all that matters. We went with some friends, Kelli Marshall and her two kiddos, and we enjoyed the company! I also had the pleasure of running into my Bisbee Ward friends and it was such a treat! I love those ladies!

First stop, the animals.

Bing bag toss. A classic and never gets old.

G loved her snow cone! Yummie watermelon!

Mommy's handsome boy!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

G's first birthday invite

Gemma had a blast at her friend Jack's birthday party. It was halloween themed and costumes were optional but recommended. G went dressed up as a darling little bellerina. It made me want to get her signed up for dance class she was so stink'n cute!

Gemma and her friend Mackenzie. They are only a month apart and both their brothers are a day apart. No, Kelli and I did not plan it this way. It was in the stars I guess. :)

My sweet angel was anything but at the end of the party. Playing hard and no nap will do that to ya. But she had a blast and so did her mommy!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Vance... football?

Vance has never been a sports kind of guy so for him to go out and play some football is a big deal. I did't think I could get him to do it but with a little help from the Marshalls, not only does Vance wanna go to the practices, but he wants to play in the game! What?! Can you believe it?! I know!
Its been fun for me and the kids to get out and go watch them play with some of the other moms/ wifes (aka Kelli). Not only do I get to mingle but I get to see my husband do something I have never seen him do!

It's been great and now I can't wait for the big game!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

4 month stats

Head 42 cm
Chest 41 cm
Weight 15 lbs 3 oz
Height 26 in

Way to go happy boy! Mom and Daddy LOVE you!

Monday, October 11, 2010

since we've been home

Things have been well with V and his recovery. Besides all the doctors appointments ahead, life has resumed as normal. Gemma is back home and I'm so glad. She sure brings my life alive. I went up to Phoenix to pick her up and we stayed the night at Uncle Marks with my mom and cousins. I had a blast! Makes me hate living so far from family.

Vance on Grandma Winsor's lap with cousin Spencer who just so happens to be a month older.

Gemma and cousin Mark hang'n out at Sam's Club. Mark was pretty annoyed with G. What can I say, she's quit the obnoxious gal.

The huge camping chair at Sam's. I want one!

what they did

This is the before and after from V's first surgery when he was 4 days old. They had to go in right away because the PA was to large and the arch in the aortic artery was closing. They widened the arch and put a band on the PA.

Before and after from V's 2nd surgery. They removed the PA band, made the aortic and PA cemetrical, and patched (the patch came from a pig) his VSD and ASD.

Bubb's trooped right on through and all the doctors and nurses where impressed with how well he has done. He is a happy boy who doesn't like to be left alone. He loves to be around everyone and would cuddle all day long if I let him. I love this little man. He is such a wonderful blessing!

I love you Vance Gabriel!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

the days after

Breathing tube came out Wednesday. It was sooooo sad. He would cry but nothing came out of that sweet mouth. He hardly had a voice. Here they are ventulating meds to help his throught from swelling.

Getting in some cuddle time. Vance and his dad left Wednesday to head back to our house. Vance sure missed his little girl.

Also that day before all the daddies left, Gemma got to play with some ponies outside of the hospital thanks to some wonderful volunteers! She loved it. She new exactly what to do thanks to her Grandpa Winsor.

This was Friday and I very much enjoyed holding my little man!

This was Friday morning and Gemma was having some fun with mommies pump. Silly girl!

Saturday morning and boy was it a great day! Bubb's was doing so well and Grandpa Winsor came back down so it was a party!

Same day but back at the RMH for dinner. G loved the car they had in the back yard.

I believe this was Sunday morning and this is what I found when I came into his room. What a little cutie!

Sunday was also the morning that Gemma left with my parents for a week. It was a very sad morning for me in deed.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

the day of

Mine and Bubba's morning started very early. Because he was hungry and I couldn't nurse him, he was a sad boy. I didn't want to wake up Vance, G and my FIL so at 2:30 am, Bubb's and I went out to the sitting room where he slept on my chest and I was left to my thoughts. Though I was tired, I enjoyed the quiet alone time I had with my son before the big operation.

Once the clock said 5:00 am, I went in to wake everyone up to get ready to go to the hospital. Check in was at 5:45 am, we sat and waited for only a short time, then a nurse called little V's name and we headed back to get him dressed into his ultra cute green gown & answer a few questions. Finally, at about 6:45 am, the Anethesiologist came and took Bubb's out of my arms and that was the last time I held him in my arms that day. My throat became tight, my eyes a little glossy but I mustered all the strenght I had not to cry.

The waiting began. Everyone (my parents, FIL, G, and Vance) headed up to the 6th floor lobby and we waited

and waited

and waited

and waited

and waited.

During this time, one of the nurses in the operating room would call my cell phone to update us on everything and let us know what it was they were doing. It was wonderful! It made waiting a little easier.

The last call came. They said they were on there way up and that I needed to get ready to give him kisses as they passed by. I was relieved. I was so excited and when they wheeled him on by, I wanted so badly to hold him in my arms. It was hard knowing that I wouldn't be able to for quit some time. But he looked peaceful and that gave me comfort.

Once he was situated in his room, they let us come on back to see him. The docs and nurses were everywhere in his room making sure the equipement was set up and that my sweet boy was comfortable.

My heart hurt for him and his situation. It was so great to be with my boy though. He came roll'n in after surgery at about 2:30 pm and I stayed at the hospital until later that evening when we all left to take Gemma swimming. She had a blast and acted in ways that I have never seen before. She was crack'n me up the entire time. I just love her!

After our moment of fun and laughter, something I think we all needed during this emotional time, we headed to bed to begin the road to V's recovery.