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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Just because

8:30 at night, I was surprised with a bouquet of wild flowers that Vance picked while at work just for me. Packing and stressing about moving, this was a wonderful "just because" gesture. Thanks baby, I love you.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


This was a long day but a FUN day. Vance has always wanted to go here and now he's been twice! I'm glad he's a great driver.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Blessing day

Vance Gabriel Smith was blessed on Saturday August 21, 2010 at the home of Rick and Lorel Winsor. My Grandma Heaton made his darling outfit and little white booties. It was so wonderful to be surrounded by friends and family who enjoyed this great day with us! And babe, you did great! I love your emotional spiritual side. :) It's the BEST!


How nice it was to be able to drive 15 minutes and be up in the beautiful mountains and cool fresh air. The deer were many. Every where you turned there they'd be. I think being in nature is another great place to come closer to Heavenly Father. I loved every minute of it and it was so wonderful to enjoy it with my one and only and 2 wonderful kiddos!


Thank you Barbara and your little girl for allowing Skittles to come over and play with my little girl. Thank you G'pa and G'ma for letting that mini horse come stay for a while. It put a big smile on Gemma's sweet face. I enjoyed every minute watching her ride and walk that cute little horse. Maybe some day she'll have her very own.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Utah's Hogle Zoo

I was so excited to take my kids to the zoo and yes I'll admit, the kid in me was bursting with joy! It was so neat to see all the different animals but a little dissappointing since their didn't seem to be much there. (am I using there and their right?) I missed having my sweet heart with us but I guess that's a sacrifice dads have to make. Gemma had fun but their were moments of crying because she was just plain tuckered out. I loved having my parents along and the last time I was here was when I was just a wee kid myself.

She LOVED the Arangatans! She watched them for a good 20 minutes.

When there's music, Gemma's dance'n!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cook'n with Gramps

A few mornings ago, Gemma was up bright and early to help with biscuits and gravy! Our favorite! She really enjoyed herself. Now she wants to cook all the time.

Monday, August 2, 2010


This was a wonderful Saturday filled with early morning chores and a nice trip to Drywash. Me and the kids went up with my parents and picked up a few drinks and snacks on the way. The water was freezing but Gemma was braver than I. She went all the way in with Grandpa while I stayed back only allowing myself to go in ankle deep. (yes, I am a pansy.) We had a great time and it was nice to get out of the house and be lazy in the sand.