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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

alone for easter

Vance left Sunday the 17th. We haven't spoken in a week. This is harder than I thought.

None the less we still colored easter eggs on Thursday. Gemma LOVED it!

He's been a pro at this for awhile now. Just wont brave the first step yet.

Oh the egg hunt! G enjoyed herself!

Ended Saturday with a bang! Bubbs in bed and now working on Gemma to a movie.

The Bunny treated my kids good this year!

Gemma is obsessed with Tangled. It was her first theater movie.

Still, it's not the same without Vance. Where is he you ask? In California for his BORSTAR training! I hear it's brutal and he trains over on the Navy Seal base. 4 weeks left and I should be able to talk to him this friday!! Can't wait!

BTW, all you creepers out there that think you can come and step even one foot into my house, you'll be missing a foot! I promise you it will be the last thing you'll ever do here on this earth. :) Thanks!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I LOVE art. Anything artsy actually. I love sketching. It's been years so who knows if I'm any good still and maybe I'll post some things I've done. I also LOVE music. I can't even tell you how much I love it. I just wish I was better at it. (i just need to stop being a procrastinator) Music is and will always be my first love. Sorry babe. However, this post isn't about sketching or music.

Every so often I get an itch, and I mean a really BIG ITCH to snap some shots. More than just whipping out my little digital.

I don't know where it comes from but I think it started with my Aunt Nettie who always had a camera around ever since I can remember. And yes Nettie, you are good! I decided to take Photo 101 my junior year of highschool and LOVED every minute. The teacher not so much, but I thank her none the less. I believe it was that same year my parents got me this dinosaur of a camera for christmas.

Dont you love the hidden dust in the hard to reach places? I LOVE this camera. I would love something new and high tech more, but you learn to love what you got.

This itch has been dorment for a long time until my hottie of a sister in law became a pretty darn good photographer and inspired me to be more creative. You can click on her button to the right of your screen and up a few scrolls! I promise you wont be dissappointed.

I really dont know much. It's been quit a long time since my photo class but the basics I do know seem to work out for me just fine. However, trying to capture a good shot is EXTREMELY difficult with moving objects such as my kidos. I can't focus fast enough and out of the 24 frames I get in a roll of film, MAYBE one or two turn out.

I still love it though.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

5 down, eternity to go


It's been one heck of a 5 years. The good, the bad, the boring, the eventful and we wouldn't trade it for anything!


Friday, April 8, 2011


Check it out! Spread the word!

This is my attemp at bringing in a little extra money since my goal is battleing that monster called debt. It's been super fun for me and I hope you all enjoy!

PS. It's a work in progress so all the feed back I can get will only be beneficial!


Thursday, April 7, 2011

spring playdate

I love the spring! The weather is always perfect, minus the terrible wind here in Douglas. This day was a perfect day to be outside!

We got invited to come over and play at the Marshall's and my kids had a blast! I very much enjoyed being able to sit back and soak up some sun while they played. Vance and I need to work on finding a home where we can have a decent backyard to do these kind of things all summer long.

Later that day, v's urologist got him all scheduled for his little snip between them cute chubby thighs. (poor guy)

Thanks Kelli for having us over!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

bisbee mine

On our way home from a 3 year olds bday party, we stopped at the bisbee mine to take a look. We lived in Bisbee for 2 years and not once stopped here. Not all that amazing but still pretty cool.

Love the bino's G!

Who wants to go for a dip?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


There have been A LOT of birthdays this new year and sadly this is the only one I decided to take pictures at. But this one was a TOTAL BLAST so I'm glad I did! You can't go wrong with swimming and lunch at the park.

This was March 26th.

Wish I knew what they were think'n. 

Gemma is around here some where.

 Vance always reaching for food.

Happy 3rd birthday Evan! Thanks for letting us come and play!

Monday, April 4, 2011


Meet Mackenzie. She is exactly a month younger than Gemma and they are budding into some pretty darn cute BFF's.

These here were taken on Valentines. Play date at the Park with pizza for dinner! 

Giving Knucks 

They get dirty together 

They ask for each other everyday. Whenever we leave the house for whatever reason, Gemma always assumes we're going to "kenzie's".