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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Just Real Quick...

Vance and I have moved in safely into our new little home! There are still a few things to unpack but mostly organization needs to come to pass :). The graduation was really great! It was so neat to see and here about what Vance went through during his stay in the Academy. I don't have the photos ready yet, but don't worry, as soon as I do you'll be the first to see them! Anyways, I'll keep you posted on this new big adventure my little family is embarking on.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We Made It!

The day has finally arrived! Vance and I have survived the long 2.5 months apart! I didn't think I could do it, but it got easier and easier. :) My folks and I are heading to Artesia, NM this afternoon to see Vance graduate tomorrow at 2:30pm. All the driving we will be doing this weekend equals up too about 24 hrs. (and that's not including the drive back home my parents have to make.) I just have to say, "THANK YOU MOM AND DAD FOR EVERYTHING!!" My folks and I finished up a final project we've been working on for a couple of weeks now for my dinning room and here it is..... (Before & After)

Monday, October 13, 2008

Let it Snow!

This past weekend my Mom, sister Mykin and I went up North (Highland, Ut) for a baby shower my aunt Camille put together for me before the big move. It was so much fun! Mostly because I like free stuff :) Thanks everyone for the gifts!But, the reason for the picture is, Sunday morning, the day we left for home, we woke up to a wonderful white surprise! SNOW!!! I loved every minute of it! Of course I had to take a picture and my sister was grumpy about it because she was "freezing". I wont lie, I wish I still lived up North. It's gorgeous and you get to enjoy all 4 seasons! (Maybe someday.) Anyways, I can't believe this is my last week here! I have so much to do still before I leave on Thursday that I'm starting to feel a little overwhelmed, but I'm so excited to see Vance! It's been long enough and soon he'll be able to rub my feet, legs, back, belly, etc. (i might have to pull a few teeth to get him to do it). I'll be sure to get pictures of his graduation posted and thanks to everyone that has been so supportive of Vance's endeavors! We're pretty excited at the opportunities this opens up for us. Love you all!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Before We were an US

I wish I could look like this everyday
As for Vance, he always looks good (ask him)

So young
Oh to be a Senior again...

What a dork :)
The beautiful Grand Canyon! (oh yes, and Vance)