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Monday, October 22, 2012

Into the Woods

It's been a little while since we've taken a family drive up into the mountains. It's one of my very favorite things to do. 

Stopped to admire the view on our way up. Bubbs was passed out in the truck and Gem was all to excited to get out of the truck. 

Arizona doesn't have the 4 seasons like Utah, Colorado and other states. BUT, we do have Mt. Lemmon here in Tucson along with many other mountains that are just as beautiful.

We stopped at the very tippy top of the mountain where there is an itty bitty town with a couple of gift shops and restaurants. We stopped and ate some yummy pizza and an amazing chocolate cookie.
(Love the little things like Mr. S holding on to me as I stand next to him.)

After we ate, we drove down some trails and did some minor hiking.

They love there Auntie Kimmy.

Played with toys from the gift shop.

Enjoyed the company.

Loved watching the littles run and play. I dream of one day having a forest in my back yard.

Love my family. Love the mountains.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The little things

This girl hates taking naps but loves her sleep. Vance is always the first one up from his nap and much to soon, might I add. But, no matter how much they fight, he will go wake up his Sis so they can play.

Gem wasn't ready to wake and he was awfully sad about it. "Wake up Sis." he would say while shaking her or stroking her hair.

Hate the fighting, but love that they choose each other to play with. They truly are the greatest of friends.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

What I Wore

I have been having so much fun actually dressing up for the day even if it is only jeans and a T most of the time. That's a pretty big upgrade from sweats and a really ugly shirt that I usually wear.

Jacket, V-neck T, blue skinnies ~ Target
Nude wedge ~ Payless
Braceletes ~ AE and Target

The left:
V-neck ~ Target
Jeans and belt ~ AE

The right:
White T ~ Target
Button up and black pin stripe skinny pant ~ AE

This lovely dress which I'm SO in love with, is what I was gonna wear to my SIL wedding.
Dress ~ Junieblake
Boots ~ Target

This was my date night attire with Mr. S
Jacket and skinnies ~ AE
floral shirt ~ Forever 21
Sandals ~ Old Navy

Dress and boots ~ Old Navy

Skinnies ~ Target
sweater ~ Forever 21

What did you wear?

The little things

It was General Conference this past weekend. I always look forward to it, though I still need to watch saturdays sessions still. Don't know what Im talking about? Click up in my header, the button "I believe".

Felt inspired to acknowledge the little things in my life. I've been trying too hard to keep up with all the crafty, well kept homes, good behaved children, super moms out there that I found myself complaining and feeling ungrateful. 

So, to the little things in life. Because after all, they're the only things that really matter.

I let Gemma paint her toes BY HERSELF for the first time during Sundays conference session. She was very excited.

Licking the bowl after making up some brownies. They have taken over my very favorite part. 

Remember the little things. What are some of yours?
Took the kids to the park just around the corner yesterday since the weather is finally cooling down. Hearing about all the fall changes happening in places that have all 4 seasons, makes me a little jealous and kind of really hate the desert. Though I love Arizona. I really do. I consider it my home town, just not the Tucson area. Still getting used to the fact that this is probably where I'll be FOREVER. (ok, so a little dramatic.) 

My kids behaved wonderfully. I didn't have to chase them down when it was time to go. That in and of it's self is amazing. Oh but don't you worry. They weren't perfect little angels for long. Went to the grocery store after, and they fought and screamed the entire time. People stared. OH they stared. Made me want to squirt them in the face with a water bottle. Honestly, if they think they can do it better, please, I'd like to see it.

Looking at these pictures though, makes all the screaming and tantrums not even matter.

Dinner meltdown

It's very difficult for me to get my kids to eat anything I make especially Gemma, unless its something sweet of course. But as much as I'd like, I can't feed them sugar all day long every day. Even if it means wanting to rip out my hair.

This night, dinner was simple with a chicken casserole and cottage cheese that needed to be eaten before it went bad. Neither one of my kids wanted it or would even try it. Ok, ok, it wasn't that tasty, I'll admit, but I'm trying to teach my kids that they eat what's cooked for them. Other wise, they won't eat anything BUT sugar or just go hungry. So far it's not working out to well. Its a fight to get them to eat 3 bites of everything on their plate.

Any tricks that worked for you? I'm desperate.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Field Trip

Gemma had her first Pre-School field trip to the local fire department, obviously. I was really excited for her. Probably more so than she was. Mr. S says it's because I was looking forward to seeing hot firemen. (maybe that's partly true)

 Did I ever tell you that every girls fantasy about firefighters actually happened to me?! I left for my lunch break at the Bank of America building in Mesa, Az. I waited for the elevator on the 12th floor and when it opened, and I looked up from staring down, it was packed with GORGEOUS men in uniform. I froze and turned a little red trying really hard to keep my cool. They all looked at me and chuckled as if they knew this was a fantasy come true. They let me squeeze on in with them and I rode the entire way down with no stops. (Gasp, I can barely breath just reminiscing about it) True story ladies. True story.

Anywho......  I loved every minute seeing her interact with her class mates and act so grown up. Wish I could get her to act better for me at home but I'll blame that on her brother the tormentor. :)

Gem's class. Thanks Bro. Neeley for the tour.