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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Field Trip

Gemma had her first Pre-School field trip to the local fire department, obviously. I was really excited for her. Probably more so than she was. Mr. S says it's because I was looking forward to seeing hot firemen. (maybe that's partly true)

 Did I ever tell you that every girls fantasy about firefighters actually happened to me?! I left for my lunch break at the Bank of America building in Mesa, Az. I waited for the elevator on the 12th floor and when it opened, and I looked up from staring down, it was packed with GORGEOUS men in uniform. I froze and turned a little red trying really hard to keep my cool. They all looked at me and chuckled as if they knew this was a fantasy come true. They let me squeeze on in with them and I rode the entire way down with no stops. (Gasp, I can barely breath just reminiscing about it) True story ladies. True story.

Anywho......  I loved every minute seeing her interact with her class mates and act so grown up. Wish I could get her to act better for me at home but I'll blame that on her brother the tormentor. :)

Gem's class. Thanks Bro. Neeley for the tour.

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