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Monday, May 28, 2012

moon sand

Pinterest has saved me or should I say, has saved my kids. So many fun and easy activities to try which means this momma has no excuse. First on our list to attempt and might I add succeeded, was moon sand or cloud dough as some call it.

It was a hit! The saplings loved it! It molds so easily so building castles is a piece of cake. I even joined in on the fun and got my hands dirty. :)

Heres what you need:
-a plastic bin
-baby oil

Mix with your hands 8 cups of flour and 1 cup baby oil until mixture is moldable. That's it! Easy! It even smells good because of the oil.

Next time we make this I plan on doubling the recipe for double the fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That sounds like even something I can't mess it. We'll try it. I'm sure the littler girls will love it.