Pregnant and Away
I never thought this would happen because of some complications with the dang ol ovaries so I have to say "What a Blessing!" She just kind of happened out of no where and caught Vance and I by surprise. Now that I'm about 22 weeks I feel her move around all the time! It's the coolest thing and a little depressing because I don't have my sweet heart here to feel those kicks and wiggles. With him being away at the Border Patrol Academy in Artesia, NM he only gets to here about it. But there's nothing like feeling it so I cant wait to see him so I can grab his hand and place it on my belly! When your pregnant, at least for me, you go through so many emotions. I get really excited and then super scared hoping that I'll be a good mom. Then some days I can't believe it because I'm only a kid myself ( it feels like). There are also those moments where I'll just sit there and cry a little because I am having a baby and it just seems so remarkable! But I am absolutely thrilled and can not wait for the day that Vance and I get to hold her in our arms! I don't know if this is weird but I'm looking forward to changing her diapers and hearing her cry. I'm not sure what it is, but the thought that Vance and I helped create this beautiful life and there are bits and pieces of us in her, has made me feel so much closer to him. And oh how I miss him! October 17th is just around the corner right? I have to tell you though, how proud I am of Vance! He is top in his class and keeps impressing his instructors with his high test scores! Things are getting more difficult over there but he's doing it! "Way to go Babe!" It's like 1:03 am and like I said before, blogging is addicting and I love it!!
yea for vance! but more yea for you because you are doing the blunt of the work (by creating a beautiful baby)!
Heather, October is so close, it will be here before you know it. Trust me, when your sweetie gets home, even though you will be so glad, you will also notice how easy it is to be alone. When Chris came back from Afghanistan, I had trouble being in the car with him because I had been driving myself for 15 months. And suddenly I couldn't watch all my shows that I had been involved in because we had to share the remote! Just enjoy the time, everything will get crazy soon enough! Remember though, the back and foot rubs that you aren't getting now are rolled over to when he gets home. What good is pregnancy pity if you don't get husband back rubs and special treats late at night? I keep telling Chris that since he missed the last six months of Satchel's pregnancy, my next one is going to be one permanent pampering session to make up for it! Call me if you get lonely. I know how you feel.
Oh I know how you feel when it comes to the emotional rollercoaster. I'm only 10 1/2 weeks but it seems like every minute is a new emotion. Pregnancy is such a cool but strange thing. It can do so many different things to your body and somehow we all still love it so much because of the wonderful blessings that come from it!
All of your emotions are normal. I think every mom goes through it and not only with #1 but #2, #3, #4 and so on. I know I did with #1 and so did everyone else I've talked to. Just wait until you get the "angry" emotion when you want to yell and everyone and throw things. If you're around people who've been there they should understand, but that time will come. Just be prepared. Anyway Congrats on getting 1/2 through this. Pregnancy is amazing and holding the little one is so worth the labor and pains of everything.
oh Heather, so cute. thanks for giving me a sneak preview of my new little granddaughter.
Hey Heather, I didn't know Vance was gone. Are you at your mom's? I'd love it if she started a blog! Talk her into it! It's fun to hear you talk about being pregnant. It's amazing to me that you are...You shouldn't be old enough yet. I love and miss you. I'm glad that you have a blog so I can get a peak into your life every once in a while.
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