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Monday, December 21, 2009

I've got a Climber

My dear sweet Gemma has my hands full these days. She's been trying to climb up on the couch and out of her crib and she has finally done just that. Gemma loves to throw her bottle out of the crib for some reason I don't know why. Well, Yesterday, after she woke up from her sunday nap, I here the thud of her bottle hit the floor. A few minutes later, I here a HUGE thud and Gemma crying her heart out. I rushed into her room to find her flat on her back with big ol tears running down her face. I immediatly grabbed her into my arms and held her tight and cried right along with her. I felt soooo horrible! I couldn't believe I let her get hurt like that, it broke my heart. She wasn't hurt to bad just scared and she only cried for a short minute before she got distracted with something. She is one tuff cookie! Then today, as she was playing around on the floor, I looked over to check on her and there she was. Some how she figured out a way to get herself onto the couch ALL BY HERSELF! I couldn't believe it. I was so proud of her! The only thing is, she hasn't perfected the getting down part. She still needs some help with that.

Also, since I'm talking about her, Gemma loves to wave and say hi to people. It's seriously the cutest thing and she wins over a lot of hearts. She is just the cutest and sweetest thing that has ever happened to me and I just LOVE her to pieces!!!



Unknown said...

You sound like one happy mama. Poor little baby. Does she have the kind of crib where you can lower the mattress to the next level down. That is so young to be doing that. Juli uses a crib tent for her kids. Seems to work great.

Missy said...

She probably won't try that again...hopefully:) Toddlers are so accident prone. I've learned to expect it at this point.