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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1st day of school

It happened. Gemma got all growed up on me. Today was her very first day of school! She's been looking forward to this for a few months now. In fact I used it as bribery to invoke good behavior.
Im pretty certain that when she wakes up in the morning, she'll have a melt down that there isn't any school. She only goes Tuesday/Thursdays, 9-11:30.

By the way, she LOVED it!

Honestly, can you have too many pictures to document this day? I think not. I mean, look at that face.

Trying to give her kisses. Apparently she's to old for that now.

When I took her into her class and hugged her good-bye, I got a little choked up (typical). But there were no tears. So HA! However, when kindergarten/ 1st grade rolls around, I'll be bringing the bucket. Gem was pretty excited to give Ms. Dana her gift.

11:30 rolled around really fast. Bubbs was passed out in the car when I walked in to pick up my girl. This is Gems teacher Ms. Dana and her class mates finishing up Show-n-Tell. While she sat there, and I was beaming from ear to ear, she hiked her pointer finger up into her nose. As I watched her dig for gold, I prayed she would not eat it. Well, I think we all know what happened.... such a proud moment..... :/

Im so excited to see her grow in this new chapter of life. (Hopefully with less booger eating.)

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