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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Old Self....

After 9 months of a stretched out belly and giving birth to Gemma, today I finally felt like I looked like me again! (Of course I still have a little pooch in the middle :() So of course I had to take a few pictures and boost my esteem just a little :). I'm sure to some of you this is a little weird but I bet you've taken pictures of yourself too.

This is my "Cover Girl" look

And this, my "Dramatic" look

My "Hot Mommy" look :)

Lastly, my "Dang, I look good" look :)

I'm not conceded, except for maybe today, (just kidding), but I think we all are allowed to take some pride in ourselves like this every once and a while. Wouldn't you say?
Once I post this I'll probably feel like an idiot. Yep, I feel like an idiot, but a pretty good looking idiot at least :). Okay, okay, I am really just kidding. I'm usually not into myself like this.


Juli said...

You always look fabulous! I love the vest and earings!

Heather said...

You see, I have this super HOT sister in law that I'm trying to keep up with. :)

The vest was only $10 at an ALCO. And if you know ALCO's they can only be found in po dunck towns. I was quit surprised when I found it.

Unknown said...

Very nice pictures. Glad you had the notion to do it. You look great.

Rachel said...

Heather you are so hot! My pouch did not go away until after I stopped nursing. So there is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Missy said...

You look awesome and you should be proud of it! Good for you!

Heather said...

You know Melissa, I really wish I got to know you better in high school. I was a wee bit intimidated by you because you were and are such a BABE!

Unknown said...

You look great!! We already miss you. We had fun seeing you in Colorado.
Love Emma and Kaydee