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Friday, April 16, 2010

Spiders oh my!

I can't tell you enough as to how much I HATE spiders!! Especially ones I have never seen before and don't know anything about. I literally just squished a camel spider or sun spider in my living room! After looking it up online to see if I should worry, I'm seriously freaking out! I called Vance and almost begged him to come home from work and search our home for more. He, of course, didn't care so I called my dad. He just laughed but told me I didn't need to freak out. They are HUGE ugly things that need to be terminated. I will have a hard time sleeping tonight and hope like crazy I don't see another one! The pictures do all the explaining:

This shows two of them stuck to each other.
The one I killed looked just like this one below.

Would you like to see this in your home?! It makes my skin crawl. Did I mention they are HUGE! This is enough to make me want to pack up and move. I love you Vance and I'll miss you!

p.s. The one I killed wasn't as big as the ones in above pics THANK GOODNESS!! If it was, I would have grabbed Gemma and left my house!


Heather said...

I know I probably sound like such a pansy, but can you blame me?

Rachel said...

Ewww, this makes me want to throw up! I would not blame you for wanting to move! At least they are not poisonous.

Unknown said...

Naaaaasty. I hate them too. I'm shivering just looking at the pics. Goose bumps!

Nettie said...

Ohhhhh myyyyyy Goshhhhhh!!!!! I would MOVE!

Becky Thompson said...

I would run out of the house and never come back in if I saw one of these monsters. I don't blame you for freaking out. They're AWFUL!

juli said...

That freaks me out! Call pest control!