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Thursday, May 20, 2010

See Heather grow

I am a week away from surgery and wish so badly that I was only a day away. This pregnancy has been long and hard and I'm thrilled that it's coming to an end!! I can't tell you how many times someone has asked me if I'm having twins. (With all this hard work i wish it was twins) And just today, a young boy walked passed me at the mall and his eyes became huge when he saw my big ol belly. He quickly grabbed his moms attention so that they could both stare. I just laughed and kept on walking. I feel like I should be hired by the circus and get paid for all the "gaucking".

Anyways, I thought it would be amusing to see how I've grown. Enjoy!


Ashlee G. said...

your belly is so cute!

Amy J said...

So cute! You are just so tiny to begin with that of course your belly is going to look a little bigger in comparison to your tiny little self! I can't wait to see pictures of your little guy. Good luck! You look great.

Unknown said...

You are absolutely lovely. I've been thinking about you and praying for you. I am meaning to call you in between bouts of getting ready for this trip. So wish you could be there. I'll talk to you soon. Hope you are feeling well. Love you tons. Kiss Gemma for me.

Anonymous said...

exactly what amy said! you are just a tiny thing with a cute basketball under your shirt, you look great! good luck with everything, i'll be praying for you and that sweet baby.

juli said...

You SO are not huge! And the only reason you tummy looks big to you is because EVERYTHING else is so teeny tiny!

Missy said...

I love belly pictures, and yours are so cute! All belly my friend! I hope all goes well in a week and that you'll have a quick and smooth recovery. Your pregnancy went by so fast (for me that is)!

Gretchen Willmore said...

You are almost there!! Only one week! Good luck with labor and postpartum! I hope everything goes as well as're in our prayers!

Lorel said...

Trust me, she is HUGE!!! I couldn't believe it when I saw her a week ago. Dad and I can't wait to meet you and Vance at the hospital on Friday morning. We will be there about the same time as the two of you.

This grandma can't wait to meet the new little man in her life.

Lorel said...

less that 48 hours!!! It is really almost over. Atleast the being pregnant part. We can't wait to see you ;)