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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gila Valley Temple

I had, what I think, is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm so glad I seized it. I really had no good excuse not to go. Sure , I'm BIG and miserably pregnant, but I couldn't miss THIS!

It was so beautiful! I have never been to a Temple's open house so I wasn't quit sure what to expect. I LOVED it! I have to say though, that the feeling is completely different compared to being inside a dedicated Temple where everyone is wearing all white. But it was still an amazing experience to say the least. The chandeleirs were remarkable, the art work amazing, the furniture and fabric exquisite!

The Celestial room was my abselute favorite! Before you enter, the tour guid tells you that there will be no talking but that we should enjoy the beauty and meaning of the place. While taking it all in, I had the most overwhelming feeling of how greatful i am to be sealed to my one and only! All the hard parts and struggles of marriage seemed to vanish and I was filled with so much love for my husband and my little girl and of course my sweet boy! I also had to giggle a little everytime Gemma said "Hi!" to everyone!

What a beautiful place to come closer to our Heavenly Father in. It really is a little piece of Heaven on earth. I am truly greatful for this Gospel and all the blessings it brings to me and my family! I really can't complain.


Juli said...

Wow! You are so lucky that you were able to go there! I have never been to an open house before. Your look so great too!

P.S. you guys better be coming for Christmas otherwise tell vance i'm not afraid to beat the crap out of him (again)!

Heather said...

Haha! Thanks! I might just come without him. I've already mentioned it. :)

Anonymous said...

awesome! i just posted our trip there :)
it is beautiful, and i agree, the chandeleirs are amazing!

Robyn Phillips said...

Please please come!!!!!!!