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Monday, May 31, 2010

Vance Gabriel Smith

was born May 28th at 10:33 am weighing in at 7lbs 15oz and 20in long. He is my pride and joy and I can't begin to tell you how much I love this little guy. His heart isn't doing to well. While I sit here at Tucson Medical Center he is being cared for over at University Medical Center awaiting heart surgery. It's been really hard to have him so far away from me but the nurses there are very sweet and update me on every little thing. Besides having VSD and a double outlet over the right ventrical, one of his arteries is to large and there is now a path way that has started to close up. Because of this pathway, he has been placed on medication to keep it from closing while he awaits surgery on Wednesday. I don't know how long surgery will be but what they will be doing is fixing that pathway and then placing a band on the artery that is to large. This band will prevent to much blood from getting to his lungs. After this procedure and he recovers, he should be able to come home for a few months (2 to 6 months) to grow and be loved on. Then he will go back in for his final surgery (hopefully), to repair the hole in his heart.

After the blessings of healing and comfort that my husband and father have given, I feel pretty confident that little Vance is going to be just fine. The doctors and nurses are also very confident and show no signs of concern. I know that he is in good hands and am so greatful for the time we live in where medical procedures have come a long way and in most cases, are second nature for these doctors.

I will be discharged some time tomorrow where I will then head home to pack a few more things and head back up to UMC to stay at the "Ronald Mcdonald" rooms with my little family and my mother. Because little Vance will have his own room after surgery, I even have the option to stay right with him in that room since there will be a bed and bathroom.

I wanna thank everyone who have prayed and cared for my little family. It has ment a lot! I also want my parents to know how much there help has ment to me during this time. They have gone above and beyond to make sure that I have had everything I need and they have cared for my little girl so that I can focus on me and my boy. My mom worked really hard at her job back home so that she'd be able spend at least a month here with me and I can't tell her enough how much I love her for it! I'm looking forward to spending this time with her. And to my dad, he would have jumped through fire to be here for me. Sadly, he doesn't get to stay nearly as long, but I'm so thrilled that he made it down. And I thank him for letting my mom stay so long because I know he will miss her terribly. I know that he wouldn't want it any other way.

Sorry for the lack of pictures. I do have plenty I just haven't downloaded them yet. They will be on here soon!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

See Heather grow

I am a week away from surgery and wish so badly that I was only a day away. This pregnancy has been long and hard and I'm thrilled that it's coming to an end!! I can't tell you how many times someone has asked me if I'm having twins. (With all this hard work i wish it was twins) And just today, a young boy walked passed me at the mall and his eyes became huge when he saw my big ol belly. He quickly grabbed his moms attention so that they could both stare. I just laughed and kept on walking. I feel like I should be hired by the circus and get paid for all the "gaucking".

Anyways, I thought it would be amusing to see how I've grown. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Gila Valley Temple

I had, what I think, is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I'm so glad I seized it. I really had no good excuse not to go. Sure , I'm BIG and miserably pregnant, but I couldn't miss THIS!

It was so beautiful! I have never been to a Temple's open house so I wasn't quit sure what to expect. I LOVED it! I have to say though, that the feeling is completely different compared to being inside a dedicated Temple where everyone is wearing all white. But it was still an amazing experience to say the least. The chandeleirs were remarkable, the art work amazing, the furniture and fabric exquisite!

The Celestial room was my abselute favorite! Before you enter, the tour guid tells you that there will be no talking but that we should enjoy the beauty and meaning of the place. While taking it all in, I had the most overwhelming feeling of how greatful i am to be sealed to my one and only! All the hard parts and struggles of marriage seemed to vanish and I was filled with so much love for my husband and my little girl and of course my sweet boy! I also had to giggle a little everytime Gemma said "Hi!" to everyone!

What a beautiful place to come closer to our Heavenly Father in. It really is a little piece of Heaven on earth. I am truly greatful for this Gospel and all the blessings it brings to me and my family! I really can't complain.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dearest Gemma

On Mother's Day I spent it being a mom to this wonderful sweet (most of the time) angel girl of mine! I thank my Heavenly Father for blessing me with such a wonderful gift!

Some fun facts Gemma can do:
-bark like a dog
-show you where her nose is
-give you the fist
-give kisses (my favorite)
-laugh at America's Funniest Videos
-put her own shoes on (not always on the right foot)