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Monday, November 26, 2012

Blogger is NOT FREE

Blogger now wants to charge me to upload photos because apparently I've reached my quota of 1 free GB of downloads. Um, I thought blogger was free?! I've tried adding another author, and nothing. Who has figured out a way around this?????? My SIL uploads her images via URLs but how do I create a URL for my photos??

Seriously upset! And really need some help figuring this out!

1 comment:

Ciera said...

Most free blogging sites have to charge at a certain point because you are uploading too much data (such as photos, audio files/music, and videos) - so Blogger, WordPress, Tumblr all have capacity limits and once you reach that limit, they charge. The best thing to do is use a site like Flickr, and use your Flickr URLs for posting images on your blog - but even Flickr charges at a certain point.