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Thursday, September 13, 2012

stay-cation it

Mr. S has been away from home working for more than half of the summer. It has taken an emotional toll on this momma. AND he leaves AGAIN for work this friday. Doing the single parent thing is incredibly hard. I don't even know how to explain it. And that's excluding me having to have a job.

I've had my break down and come apart and now I'm trying to recoup.

It was much needed to be able to get away this past weekend even if it was only up to Phoenix.
Staying in a hotel and just hang'n doing local shenanigans can do wonders.

The first thing the kids did when we checked into our hotel.

Cheesecake Factory was delish. Even more so when little man decided to sleep through the entire meal!

Stopping into Scottsdale Fashion square mall to see Kim and trade back vehicles. LOVE that mall!
Rode the elevator per Gemma's request. They loved it.

Oh the shenanigans and comfort of a decent hotel. This kid cracks me up!

Spent the morning at the Phoenix Zoo. First timers. Kinda really love this zoo. Has lots of fun things to do and see.

Our last night we BBQ'd at Kim's place. Mr. S grilled us up some steak, asparagus, and corn on the cob. I motion he be the cook from now on. He's a really good cook when he decides to do it. Which is very rare, sadly. Had to snap a picture as proof that's how rare it is.

Stay-cations are the way to go! Quick, easy, and cheap.

(pics via instagram. @hthrbug)


Nettie said...

You are just about the most fun photographer I know!!!!

Single parenting is hard!!!! So says I!

juli said...

Looks like a great relaxing time. I'm sorry Vance is gone so much. There are months that Kel is gone a lot too and I melt down. Keep your eye on the ball.....NYC. : )