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Monday, August 20, 2012

Mr. S a Superhero

Just like all superheros Mr. S heroically dawns on his uniform and embarks out into the unknown to the rescue of those who are lost and in most cases on the brink of death. And as is the hero way, he is horribly misunderstood and sadly hated by many with no credit to his name.

Mr. S is not alone however. There are many that brave the uniform and duties that follow with such a responsibility. I have had the pleasure on occasion to witness a very small part of this heroism before he walks out the front door hopefully to the rescue before it's too late.

Countless hours are spent away from his family in training to be his very best. To do his very best to save those in need. He risks his own life for the life of another. A total stranger.

I am so unbelievably proud of Mr. S. He does so much and expects so little in return. I'm proud of his comrades who are exactly the same. They do so much and SO much more.

Would you like to know what Mr. S does? You can go Here and get a very small idea of what it is he does.

He's a superhero to me.

1 comment:

Robyn Phillips said...

Awww I love my big bro. I don't know how you do it Heather, it takes a certain kind of woman to be able to handle that kind of life. You guys are both awesome!