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Thursday, May 17, 2012


Hey all you bloggers. Lets play a game shall we?


It's hard for me to get out of bed and start the day.

I'm reminded of how much I love having my husband Vance home. Especially when he leaves on week long camps for work and I'm left with two kiddos in "lets always fight and hit" stage and "Poop everywhere" stage. (as i type this, my bare naked son just told me he pooped outside as he's covered in it.)

I feel self-conscious when  my skin is anything less than perfect. (i know, how vain of me.)

I am mildly dishonest when I make a big purchase for myself and the hubs asks how much. 

I can't imagine a world without modern technology and conveniences. I honestly don't think I'd survive.

I'm surprised that I still have abdominal separation after 2 kids. The youngest being 2 at the end of this month. My stomach muscles are just to darn stubborn i guess. Seriously, i have moments where i look pregnant. (i've been asked) 

I get a little too easily wrapped up in my iPhone and lightroom. Kids and hubs suffer sometimes.

I indulge in guilty pleasures like frozen bag of kitkat bars in one evening. yep.

I wish all things in life were as wonderful as the moment and feelings of welcoming a new baby into the world.

Your turn! Copy-paste the above and leave the bolded, pink part. Change my answers to fit you. Then, leave me a link to your "Sometimes" post in the comments! It'll be fun to see who follows.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay Heather, I'll jump in on the game.