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Friday, April 8, 2011


Check it out! Spread the word!

This is my attemp at bringing in a little extra money since my goal is battleing that monster called debt. It's been super fun for me and I hope you all enjoy!

PS. It's a work in progress so all the feed back I can get will only be beneficial!



Anonymous said...

well the name is PERFECT! everything is SO CUTE!!!

Amy J said...

I LOVE it! Your stuff is so cute. The one thing I would highly suggest is accepting PayPal as well. People out of state might be less likely to buy, not wanting to wait to send money, wait to hear that it's been received and then have their items shipped. Setting up Paypal is super easy and you can personally send invoices for orders easily too. I'm happy to help if you have any questions :)

Unknown said...

You are so creative. They are all so cute. Good job.

Rachel said...

Love it!! Everything is amazing and I want to buy it all!!! Juli and I think that you should raise your prices, because it is so amazing!