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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

gazelle intensity

Anyone who has read or knows of Dave Ramsey, knows what I mean by "gazelle intensity". For most of his graduates he talkes about, I'm probably not as "intense" as them but I'm learning and am more intense then I ever have been.

I love numbers and math so I obviously LOVE handling our finances. Sometimes though, ever since I've started putting into affect Dave's tactics, I find myself stressing out because I wanna get out of debt faster then I can.

Just yesterday, however, I was going over our accounts and noticed a monthly payment we make of $200 was only like $186. My heart kind of almost stopped when I realized what this meant. That's right folks, I just gained an extra $200 a month because im done paying on a camper we took a loan out on!!!!! So, since January of this year when I made a resolution to get out of debt I have managed to pay off one credit card, a loan AND I have smaller truck payments because we decided to trade in our vehicle!

My snowball is starting to get a little bigger and role a little faster and I'm nearly giddy with excitement about it all! I still have a long list of debts to take care of but now that Vance and I have been able to take control of where our money goes, it's been almost freeing. It's been hard though. We've had our little moments of weakness. Luckily, we're both in this together so we help motivate each other. You've gotta get in the right mind set and JUST DO IT!

Doing what we've been asked to do and avoid by the church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) has been such a blessing. We have been able to stick to our plan and still take care of the needs of our family and then some.

Now, if only I could stick to a healthy eating plan.


Anonymous said...

wow! that's great! good job!
we have one of his books.....maybe i should crack it open again!

Unknown said...

SO awesome! i need to crack down on ours!

Missy said...

congrats! sounds like you have made a TON of progress! we've been doing his program for the last few months and it's amazing how much you can save up if you make a budget and stick to it every month. it's awesome.

Unknown said...

You go girl. That's awesome. Keep up the good work.

Rachel said...

Awesome, you are my hero!! We should do this. Love ya!

Nettie said...

I can't wait to read his book! I was doing so good before I broke my foot and had to use my savings and credit cards to pay for it. Now, with 1/3 less income, and credit card debt, I'm falling behind. I need courage! You're the best, Heather! I just love you like crazy!

Lorel said...

Everyone needs a hero and you are mine. I love the example you are setting. Tell me about the smaller truck payments and the trade in. Did you trade in the tacoma?

Unknown said...

Good girl. Changing out those pans is a good choice. I have so much I am learning from Jillian Michaels and in time I am putting it on my blog.

love and miss you all

Juli said...

That's so great! I have such a hard time disciplining myself.