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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

8 months

Okay, so this picture was taken at 7 months but he still looks the same. Non the less, I can't believe he's 8 months! He's growing so fast and has so much energy. He loves Gerber veggie puffs, rolling over, his sister and hates the fact that he can't crawl yet. He trys so hard but he's just not quit there. He pulled himself up the other day and it made this momma so proud!  He's growing healthy and strong considering all he's gone through. Sadly, and it really does break my heart, he still needs to be circumsized. I can't even imagine what this must feel like but his urologist will perform the little snip in May. It will be done at the hospital under anathisia, THANK GOODNESS!

I love this sweet boy beyond words. We have been so blessed!


Anonymous said...

what a happy, handsome little dude! im so happy for you that he is so healthy and is doing so well!

Unknown said...

What a dream. He's so chubby and wide eyed. I miss him and want so much to hold him. Kimmy is going to be in heaven soon. I love you all so much. Kiss those babies for me.

Missy said...

I love those big dark eyes, and eyelashes! He's a cutie!

Robyn Phillips said...

He is so big!!! I still can't believe I have not seen him nor Gemma!