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Friday, April 30, 2010

His heart

All I want to do is just break down and cry. Maybe it will make me feel better but I'm afraid that if I do I wont be able to stop. So, I will do my best to stay strong and look for the blessings that I know are there somewhere in this unfortunate situation.

Baby Vance has Ventrical Septal Defect, VSD for short, or lamen terms a "hole" in his heart AND a double outlet in his right ventricle.

VSD means that his septem, or "wall" didn't finish closing the gap between the right and left ventricle hence the "hole". The double outlet means that his aorta needs to be repositioned so that it's above the left ventricle and not the right. He will have open heart surgery shortly after he is born. Most likely sometime within the first and second month of being in this world. Vance and I will be able to bring him home like normal and then take him back in for surgery. That is, if there's not any other complications that arise right after birth. I'm not sure how long surgery takes, but he will be hospitalized for 7 days during recovery.

As of right now, the doctor is opptomistic that things will be just fine and only one surgery will be necessary to correct this defect. It shouldn't affect baby Vance in the long run and I believe he wont need to be on medication. He should be perfectly healthy without any future complications after he has surgery.

The thought of open heart surgery scares me though. It breaks my heart that this sweet little baby will be cut open, have his heart stopped, and then restarted. I'm sure when the time comes for this procedure I will be a real basket case. I mean, there was nothing wrong with Gemma and all I had to do was look at her and I would break down. There is just something so special about a fresh new baby that can sometimes make you feel a little inadequit and so blessed. Not to mention they just left the most perfect place with there Heavenly Father.

Never in a million years did I think something I like this could happen. But with faith proceeds miracles so I'm gonna work on having a whole lotta faith and never miss my prayers and scripture studies because that's all I really can do.


Traci said...

oh Heather! I'm so sorry! I am praying for you guys! Everything will work out!

Amy J said...

Well if you aren't crying, I sure am. Makes me so sad. Little Brooke was sick in the hospital for 4 days and that doesn't even compare to heart surgery, but my heart ached knocking she was sick. I can imagine a little bit of the heart ache you must be feeling right now. I'll be praying for you all and a fast healthy recovery for baby Smith.

Unknown said...

Everything will be fine. You just keep your head up and know where your blessings come from. All will be well. We love you.

Ashlee G. said...

my little cousin had the same problem. he had open heart surgery when he was just days old. and now- he's fine. perfectly healthy. a little loud. and more than cute.

hang in there.


Missy said...

I am so sorry Heather! I will definitely keep you guys in my prayers. I'm glad it's something that they can repair in one surgery and that they don't anticipate any other issues. It's still so hard to go through, but I know Heavenly Father is watching out for your little guy. Keep the faith and it will all be ok.

Robyn Phillips said...

Your family is in my prayers.

Lorel said...

Sis, know that you and your little family are in our prayers. You guy will not go through this alone, there are many who are keeping you in their prayers. Dad and I will be there when he comes into this world and we will still be there when he goes into surgery.

Remember what dad has told you and your Heavenly Father will be there to comfort you in this your hour of need.

I will be there with you for as long as you need me. You, Gemma and this new grandson of mine are my first priority. I sure love you!

Juli said...

Heather, our friends from AZ are here. They have triplet 18 momth olds. We were just reading your blog. One of her boys and VSD too and had surgery soon after he was born. She said do NOT worry. He was born over 7 pounds and is perfect. Love you!

Heather said...

Thanks everyone!
Juli-that is so comforting to know!! The more I do my research the more i find that it's actually common. I'm stating to feel pretty hopefull that things are gonna be just fine.

Heather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joanna Brimhall said...

heather I am sorry you have to experience this but you and your family are in our prayers. Let me know if you need anything even if it is just a hand to hold. We love you and I know everything will work out for the best.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry to hear this news. you are definately in my prayers. sometimes we don't know why things happen the way they do, but the Lord has his reasons. it doesn't make it easier, but it's comforting to know.

Unknown said...

Any more news kiddo?

Unknown said...

Any more news kiddo?

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the precious card. I really appreciate it. I hope you have a blessed mother's day too. Love you tons.

mom smith

Cinnamon said...

Hi ~
Your Mama-in-law belongs to our online prayer group (Hi Tricia) and she shared with us what has been going on.


Just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers. I am praying for your sweet baby growing and for your dear family.


Heather said...

Thank you so much! It really is comforting to have so many people who care and want the best for you. Vance and I really appreciate the prayers! I think the prayers are the reason why I feel at peace. (most of the time :) )