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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Secret Project for Vance...

I decided while Vance is away working so hard that I would do a little work myself and put together a scrapbook of his mission and give it to him as a gift at his graduation. I've got about 19 pages done so far and still a ton of pictures to go through! I've had so much fun doing this though, and my Mom has helped me along the way when my creative juices haven't been flowing. Thanks Mom! I'm still missing some pictures from when he got home off his mission but I think my sister-in-law Kim might be able to help me out with that. But Juli if you have any pictures from that day could you email them to me? Anyways, here are just a few pages I've put together that I thought I'd share...


Angee said...

I'm so glad you figured out the blog on the block stuff! Your background is adorable! Those scrapbook pages are super cute too! That's such a great idea too!

Juli said...

Ok, first of all, love the blog! Secondly, that is sooo funny because I was going to get you address because I am making a dvd of his homecoming for his graduation! How perfect is this?! Anyways, let me know!

Nettie said...

The scrapbook is so great. I'll bet you and your mom are having so much fun! Your blog is beautiful.

Juli said...

hey, i forgot to let you know. i actually don't have any pics just video of that. Sorry! Um, when does Vance graduate? I guess just send me your address when you know where you are when he is there too. Or around then. Or if you want to see it earlier let me know and I can send it to your parents.