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Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Help me!!!! This is something that I just can't take anymore! Once I hit my 2nd trimester I started breaking out. It's been like forever sence the last time I delt with this so it feels like a new experience for me and I have know idea what to do. From what I've read on the internet, it's normal and will usually go away at the beginning of your 3rd trimester but are there any ladies out there with some advice who have had the same issue? I've been trying different face washes and these darn ol zits are just winning the war! Maybe I'm just supposed to wait it out, but by golly if there's anything I can do to make things better someone please tell me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that totally sucks. i really don't know what you can do for that. i guess it could be a lot worse like looking like a hot air balloon like I did:)