It's been a little while since we've taken a family drive up into the mountains. It's one of my very favorite things to do.
Stopped to admire the view on our way up. Bubbs was passed out in the truck and Gem was all to excited to get out of the truck.
Arizona doesn't have the 4 seasons like Utah, Colorado and other states. BUT, we do have Mt. Lemmon here in Tucson along with many other mountains that are just as beautiful.
We stopped at the very tippy top of the mountain where there is an itty bitty town with a couple of gift shops and restaurants. We stopped and ate some yummy pizza and an amazing chocolate cookie.
(Love the little things like Mr. S holding on to me as I stand next to him.)
After we ate, we drove down some trails and did some minor hiking.
They love there Auntie Kimmy.

Played with toys from the gift shop.
Enjoyed the company.

Loved watching the littles run and play. I dream of one day having a forest in my back yard.
Love my family. Love the mountains.