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Saturday, July 28, 2012

It rained toads

It's one of my favorite times of year here in Arizona. Monsoon season! I love sunshine, especially in California. But the storms here at home are so rejuvenating. And I definitely needed it today. 

I don't really know what's wrong. I think I now have a pretty good idea after doing some reading. But, I couldn't get out of bed this morning. It's usually like that most mornings. I was so tired with an unusual headache (which is nothing new) but it was to the extreme today. Go figure I had to feel crappy while Mr. S is away. So, today didn't start out well for me.

Most of the day was sluggish and my poor kids suffered because of me. Finally, the wind rolled the clouds in and it pored. Once the rain settle down to a light sprinkle, I opened the back door and let the kids play. I started feeling better. So much in fact that I went to the garage and got my trimmer and trimmed my trees in the yard. While the kids and I were outside we could here a noise and it didn't take long at all to figure out that they were frogs! That noise brought back some very fun childhood memories for me so I got an idea.

To make it up to the kids for the bad day mommy was having, we went out behind our house near the road to go toad hunting. It was so exciting! Gem and Vance loved it. Unfortunately the toads here in southern AZ are poisonous so we couldn't catch any. Which Gemma about had a melt down over.

Following the noise of the toads. They were getting close.

 We found 6 of these poisonous toads. It was a very nice evening for the 3 of us. The kids are zonked and I'm enjoying the piece and quiet.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


So I'm starting something new. Something kind of exciting. Something that seems like everyone and there dog is doing. Something that has me extremely nervous because it is completely out of my comfort zone. But here goes nothing.

Still working out a few little kinks and STILL learning a lot as I go.  Maybe a few of you photographers out there can give me a few pointers or two. Maybe snag a button. Help spread the word. You know 'cause maybe you like me and all. ;)

And MAYBE go the extra mile as to post in comments below the link where you added my button and helped spread the word. (You never know what you might get out of it. A free session maybe to one lucky person?)

Friday, July 20, 2012

In a pikle?

There's this guy that I know. An Uncle of sorts, lets call him Mr. Gadget. (the name is very suiting, trust me.) He's got a pretty sweet offer on these very nifty and trendy clutches. Believe me ladies, when you see what these babies are all about, you'll want one in every color and design. 

Head on over to spartangearguy to see what this offer is all about! And while you're at it, leave a comment and let him know I sent you. After all, he was almost a movie star.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A shattered window kind of day

Today started out good. I was really tired to get up this morning but what mother isn't. Vance had his yearly cardiologist visit which I was really looking forward too. His doctors are wonderful. His heart is looking fabulous, minus a little back flow that causes his heart to murmur, but that's nothing new and isn't anything to worry over. Not to brag or anything, but Vance's doctors say he's a real success story and they always refer to his case in meetings. Makes this momma feel good. :)

Waiting to see Dr. Macias 

We had a great doctors visit and we headed home to spend the rest of the day with Mr. S and Gemma. 


Mr. S asked me to stop by the Chevron near our house to pick him up some orange Rockstars (his favorite). I parked, got out, opened Vance's door, put my purse with everything in it down, hit the lock button, closed my door, turned to get Vance out of his carseat and it happened. His door shot. I ran around our 4 door chevy and checked every door to see if one would open. 

I panicked. My heart started racing and I totally freaked. I had no phone. It was hot. I ran to the nearest person and asked if he had a jimmy. No luck but he had his cell. I didn't know what to do and the good semaritan suggested I call 911. So I did. (though hindsight proves that it was unnecessary, but I'll get to that.)

It took a little while for the firetruck to arrive but when it did, everyone knew it. It came blaring down the road it's horn a honk'n and sirens blaring. I was so emabarrased and thought, "wow, those sirens and horns are totally unnecessary. The lights, understandable". Vance was doing just fine but he had been sitting in a dead truck in the desert for about 10 minutes. I would tap on the window and talk to him and he would just laugh and smile like he couldn't hear a word I said. 

2 firemen, one on each side of my truck jimmied and wedged my doors to try and unlock the blasted thing. 2 to 5 minutes later, one fireman said it was time to break a window and asked which one I wanted broken. I sighed and thought, "Mr. S is gonna kill me."  I picked the front passenger side window, stood back, and just held my breath. I couldn't believe this had to happen...... The window was broken. All 4 doors were unlocked and Vance just thought that this was probably the coolest thing in the world.

We thanked the Firemen for the help and walked on into the gas station to pick up those darn rockstars and a sucker for Vance and Gemma.

I put Vance into his carseat and climbed into my windowless truck, took a deep breath and called Mr. S. My first words were, "Don't be mad." (bad choice of words I'm sure). I explained what happened and he was a little upset, understandably so. We hung up and I started the truck to head home. Mr. S called back. I answered. He said, "Why didn't you call me before?" I replied, "I dont know. I panicked in the moment." 

To wrap up and get to the hindsight of things, Mr. S was 2 minutes away at home with an extra set of keys! Hence the reason why he called me back. Why I didn't think of that, I don't know. Needless to say, Vance is perfectly fine. Mr. S and I just role our eyes and laugh and are just thankful that insurance   will cover the replacement. 

Here's to hoping for another less eventful day.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

4th of July family reunion continued

The days after the 4th were spent just chill'n at Davids and Kristines. (Thanks BTW) The kids loved their chickens and stray kitten. They tried to convince me to take the cat home. Um, no thanks. Not that I'm a cat hater, I'd just prefer to take home a fat lazy cat that just wants to be snuggled. Oh, and I hate litter boxes. 

My Dad made awesome food while we were all together. No surprise there since he is an amazing cook. (I did not get that gene.) And my parents pretty much spoiled my kiddos. Bubbs got a bike bell and helmet which is too small for him. Not the helmets fault, Vance just has a large head. Gemma got a hello kitty bike which she had picked out herself weeks prior. 

The day before everyone headed for home, the kids road there bikes and then we drove up to dry wash for a dip. I have no idea why, (ricky), because it was cloudy, rainy and freezing cold up there. I was totally surprised that Gem braved the cold water. She loves water but she hates being cold. Not this day I guess. Ricky was the only adult to get in the water with the kids. We definitely had some small town fun.

Poor guy kept getting in trouble for wandering into places he shouldn't. Plus he wanted to play with that stray kitten so badly.

Uncle Rick braved the freezing cold water with the littles.

What's a family reunion without some wounds. Nobody noticed, not even Bubbs himself that he had been sliced by the fence. It wasn't bad at all. The blood makes it look worse than it actually was.

I want a swing in my tree now. Not sure if I have any good strong branches though. 

Overall, it was a great quick little trip and we are glad to be home. We missed Mr. S a lot.

4th of July family reunion (part 1)

My parents put together our very first family reunion with my siblings since we're all growed up and stuff. We held it over the 4th in Blanding, Ut where my brother lives and my parents use to live. Blandings 4th of July is always big and grande and screams proud Americans. This was mine and my kids 2nd time celebrating Independence Day here. Like always it was fun and EXHAUSTING.

The day starts with the parade at 10:30 and then right after, everyone (and I mean everyone) heads over to the big park for festivities and food. There are food and artsy booths galore. Me, my brother Rick and my Dad decided to even get spray on tattoos that last 3-5 days. (they called mine the "tramp stamp" because of its location......the lower back, not my boob or booty people sheesh.)

Then FINALLY, 10:00pm is the fireworks. I've never seen a better show of fireworks than here in Blanding. If you don't believe me go see for yourself next year. I promise you won't be disappointed and maybe you'll see me. :)

As usual it seems, work held Mr. S captive and he couldn't escape away with us this year. Maybe the next. (and I'm telling ya that's probably wishful thinking.)

Apparently I was stalked by the paparazzi named MY BROTHER. He's got a pretty sweet camera and I'm glad I wasn't the only one having to take the pictures. I was even IN some of them. :)

Waiting for the parade to start.

He loves flowers. I couldn't get him to stop picking them or throw rocks. I'm surprised I don't have more grey hairs. (Oh yes, I have a strand or two.)

I love ya lil' brother, but she's to good for you. :) My brothers girlfriend Kelsey is super sweet. And I'm talking it's oozing. I really like her. So glad she came.

Cousin kristine did some face painting on some of the kids. Gem really liked it.

I have no firework pictures and I'm a little sad about it. This picture pretty much sums up the rest of the day at the park. Loud and wild. Gemma and Vance were having a hard time getting along towards the end and they finally crashed hard. Gem missed the fireworks and Bubbs woke up to them. He thought they were all pretty cool as he sat on Grandpa's lap.

We got back to the house as midnight was slowly creeping on us. Both kids were awake now and weren't too excited to go to bed. I bribed them with a few pieces of parade candy and a movie in bed. They were out again not even 15 minutes into the movie "Finding Nemo".

Monday, July 2, 2012

some fun

Breakers Water Park is just down the highway from us. Maybe 10 minutes drive. Probably less. So we took advantage of the super hot heat and Mr. Smith's day off of work and spent the afternoon pool side.

It was wonderful. Spending much needed time ALL together. It's usually just me and the kids in nearly every aspect of our lives because of Mr. Smith's work schedule AND he works A LOT. (I feel like a single mother except that I don't have the extra added responsibility to go get a paying job to support us.)

Needless to say, we had a blast!

 While I had my camera out, a very rare thing happened. Gemma asked me to take a picture of her and her daddy! I couldn't believe it. She posed and everything. I have yet to get her to do it again. 

Disclaimer:  Im not trying to dunk my daughter. I swear. 

This was a great day.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Utah 2012 - part 2

The living planet aquarium in Draper was a total hit! And not just for my kids. I loved seeing there faces light up with all that they had never seen before. I felt so much like a little kid as I stared at all the fascinating creatures that live on this planet.

The stingrays were our favorite. They seem to love the attention and practically begged for it. It kind of reminded me of an excited dog eager to be noticed by it's owner. I want to keep one as a pet they were THAT cute and fun.

My Gemma got the opportunity to feed the sting rays when it was time for there feeding. I caught it on video and so funny. It scared her when they all came splashing up out of the water to eat our of your hand. But she stayed there watching. What a neat experience she had and I'm so grateful i was there to be apart of it.