I did it! I went to NY! With the help of my mother who took my kiddos for the week so I could go and my cousin Danny letting me hang out with him, I had a FABULOUS time!
My first day there we took the train from Albany to NYC bright and early! No joke I was running on 2 hours of sleep the entire time in NYC. I survived though! Except for the time I almost died on the subway. It was our stop and the doors only opened for a few seconds, drove on and then stopped and opened again so I booked it to the doors and they started closing. Thinking they worked like elevator doors I squeezed through them as they closed on me. Literally. Well, I became stranded on the streets of NYC while Danny was on the subway. What's a vacation without a little adventure, right?!
Needless to say we found each other.
The rest of the week was spent relaxing, walking around down town Saratoga, rock climbing, and hanging out with some friends.
Museum of Natural History. Very cool place and A MUST if any of you ever go to NYC.
Ground zero/ memorial center/new building
Danny Boy and I
The closest we ever got to the Statue
Rock climbing was AWESOME!
After NY, I went up to Utah to hang out with my family and kidlets.
Bubbs first hair cut thanks to cousin Amanda!
Watering the horses
Riding Gemma's mini horse
Splashing in the troph
Must eats in NYC: John's pizza- you'll never have better tasting pizza than this place!
and the Shake Shack- AMAZING burgers, frys and shakes!