As Gemma gets older, I'm learning more and more on how to be a mother. I wish I was better at it to tell ya the truth. But, I've started the timeout thing with Gemma and it seems to be working! The first time I put her in timeout was because she kept throwing her snacks on the floor. I'd ask her to pick them up but she would look at me and throw them again. (the lil' stinker) So, I told her she had to go to timeout and I placed her in the corner of the couch and she sat there for an entire minute. She cried and cried but she stayed! After her minute was up, I went over to her where she wrapped her arms and legs around me with a big smile on her face. I explained to her why I put her in timeout, (whether she understood me, I don't know), gave her a hug and a kiss and asked her to pick up her snacks. That sweet girl of mine picked those snacks up with a big smile on her face and got lots of praise for it from her momma! Now to try to get her to be nice to her brother.
Bubbs had a Cardiologist and surgen visit this past wednesday. Nothing amazing really to report other than things are still the same. His surgen however thinks that this wont be his last surgery. In fact, he believes that as he gets older and his heart gets bigger that he will have a number of surgeries through out his life because of how his pulminary arterie developed. I get very overwhelmed with the whole thing and wonder why it is that lil' Vance has to go through this? What is it that Heavenly Father is trying to teach me and my little family? Trying not to let this get me down, and it's not for the most part. I just wanna know why. And maybe there isn't an answer. At least one I won't know until the hereafter. But on a more positive note, Bubba is 24.5 inches tall and weighs 14 lbs 11 oz. He's growing and seems to be a healthy boy. You would never know that he has a heart condition.
I'm looking forward to and dreading Tuesday morning. Looking forward to seeing my parents and Father-in-law and to have this surgery over with. Dreading the actual surgery and that my son has to go through this. Dreading the recovery process and feeling completely helpless. Just can't wait for it to be OVER.