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Friday, February 6, 2009


Just like her adorable cousin, Gemma loves the water (warm water at least). She doesn't cry once when she gets a bath, I love it!!

Road Trip!

It was Gemma's first road trip to Blanding, Ut and then up to SLC, and back again. We have had so much fun especially me showing off Gemma and all! I had the opportunity to get ahold of my Sister In-Law Kim on my way back to Blanding so she could be the first Smith to hold her. I wish so much we could have spent a little longer together but I'm hoping for another trip soon up to Wisconsin!! I have been married for almost 3 years and I have yet to see my mother in-law and all my little sisters and brothers for the 2nd time. How sad is that! Thank goodness for the blogging world!